Monthly Archives: June 2011

Summertime Chills & FAQs

Bad blogger!

I know, I know. My day job is done until late August and my class ended the other night so I am in full-time writing mode, which includes coming here and pontificating a bit.

The novella that I finished the first draft of back in February just had its second draft completed. My goal is to have the next (and final) draft done in two weeks and begin the process of marketing it. We’ll see how that goes. Now I’m jumping into editing/revising the novel, Echoes on the Pond, which has taken far too much time. I may also work on something new. I haven’t written many short stories for a while and I have several first drafts sitting here, so I may go into short story mode for a bit, while I work on Echoes on the Pond.

Now, I’ve never needed a FAQ section because, to be honest, I really haven’t heard much from readers. However, this spring I received two emails from two different readers who read and enjoyed Shadowed. that led me to decide to do a little FAQ here. Since this has a minor spoiler for Shadowed, I’ll place it behind a cut. Read the rest of this entry